The Scholastican Way

1 You “bow” your head whenever you hear “That In All Things, God May Be Glorified!” #RelateMuch


It is a Scholastican tradition to say “That In All Things, God May Be Glorified!” every end of our prayer. We always make sure to start and end our class with a simple prayer for God. We do believe that all the glory and strength is with Jesus. We always keep in our mind and heart that prayer is one way in which we can glorify and enjoy God. Did it ever cross your mind and asking yourself if why do we need to pray even God already knows what we need? My school taught me not to knock on God’s heart if I will just ask and plead for something without working on it instead do your part (work for it girl!) and believe me, God will lead the way.

2 Knows by heart the meaning of “Ora et Labora”


It was something that the Benedictine nuns loved to say like a mantra and it was something that we must know by heart before we step out of our school. St. Scho taught me many great things from experiences and even values such as discipline, responsibility, and generosity.  But of the many things that I learned there, perhaps, the most important was Ora et Labora, prayer and work. A simple example of this is when there is a quiz or final exams. We do not say “Ora, Ora, Ora) like just pray and everything good will happen and expecting to passed or even get a high grade! As a Scholastican, this strategy will not help us because “Ora” is always accompanied by “Labora” do not expect to get a high grade when you didn’t even study a single page on your book/ notebook!

You stop when you hear the “Angelus”


Every Scholasticans know that when they heard the “Angelus” prayer, the whole Scholastican community will stop whatever they are doing like; talking, walking, having a discussion in class and etc. The Angelus is usually accompanied by the ringing of the Angelus bell, which is a call to prayer and to spread good-will to everyone.

4 You either walk fast or run before the clock strikes at 12nn.


You will see students running just to go out of the school premises before 12 nn. The reason behind it is that at 12 nn, the Angelus prayer will take place and the students will stop for almost 5 mins. and eventually, end up waiting for a long line in the place where they will eat lunch. The funny thing that I love to recall was the time when we’re running and the sound of our heels are echoing in the pergola and not just that!, we are laughing our ass off while bumping with each other. #Memories

5  When entering in Pergola, you try your best to pull your skirt down until it settles below your knee.


Who wants to do a four- hour community service here because the guard caught you wearing a skirt above the knee? No one right?! So let us follow correctly the simple rule of St. Scho which is “skirt must be below the knee”. Of course, we know this rule. This is our mantra during our first- year orientation up to our fourth year. They may be strict applying the school regulations in and out of the school, but surely as a student, we understand why they’re doing that.

You bring flats every Mondays and Thursdays


Every Monday and Thursday is Skirt Day in school and it is one of the reasons why students have big bags during these days. Why? Because we need to bring our flats so we can change and will not suffer for tripping while waiting, walking and getting inside the jeep, buses and other transportation vehicles. I do love wearing heels and I understand why St. Scho practice their students to wear heels. The reason may be simple to others but for me, it allows us to stand tall not just physically but confidently upon stepping out of the school (the corporate world). During my OJT, it is now my habit that skirt and heels must be paired with each other because they are partners. It is good to look at and remains a quite sophisticated look when talking to clients and bosses.

7  You’re about to cry because you forgot or even worse lost your “Convocational Card”

Convo Card

Convocation Card 

Convo card is like our passport in school. We always make sure that during events and activities, we do have our convo card with us because if we don’t then be ready for a four-hour community service in the school. This activity and tradition to college students might sound unfair or “sa pilitan” but it is not. With these types of activities that our school implemented, we just not gained a lot of values but also spent quality time with our friends while learning. For an example is our annual “Peace Camp” before our Christmas Vacation. In here we attend mass and Christmas traditions with our second family “our school”.

Peace Camp 2015

Peace Camp 2015

8  You rush to get out of Taft because it is Happy Thursday!!!


Who wants to be stuck in traffic when everybody else is partying? Not Me! It will take almost half an hour traveling from Vito Cruz up to Buendia when it is only one station away! Not being Killjoy but sleep first, drinks later! #HappyThursdayPaMore

9 You don’t get excited during class suspensions. Scholasticans be like: “Nagannounce na ba Scho?


You might guys think that our school is “pabibo” or “killjoy” but believe me guys, dito kami natutong maghintay at hindi umasa! #SSCHugot

Five Year Journey being a Kulasa

I didn’t gain friends, I gain a family. #squadgoals

This was my home for five long years and all the situations that I cited above made me who I am right now. Without all the struggles, rules and policies made by the administration, I may not be the Aira you know today. Upon entering St. Scho, it is a “Brand NEW World” for me but stepping out of St. Scho gaining all the values and learnings, it is now a “Brand YOU World” for me. My school let me brand my own self. The greatest learning that I had is to not let others brand you as a person.

Scholasticans have a different kind of education and it’s the same for all of its campuses. We were brought up to think critically and plan proper actions after reviewing correct information. The best thing about this institution is that they mold students to be the best of what they can be, to be good citizens of the Philippines and be the best individual in the world who has the knowledge, wisdom to make good decisions, good stewards of this earth, and be a person who has a pure heart.

There are only 6 Months left and I will be a TRUE BLUE SCHOLASTICAN not just by title but also by heart. #TrueBlueScholastican

Thank you St. Scho! #BestSCHOol #THANKYOU #StScholasticaManila #Kulasa

I just want to thank my lovely professor Ms. Jeannievilyn Ola who made this type of final exam for our subject #ecommerce. It took a while to decide and to ideate on what I should post about my school, my self, and everything. But applying all of her teachings and great lessons, it made me think deeper and below the surface. She always highlights to do something that is out of the ordinary. But for me, an article coming from the heart and hard work is extraordinary. Thanks Ms. Ola! #WerpaMore

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Oh di ba! Teacher na, Model pa! #Lodi



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